GSO Test

Working in partnership

We recognise parents are the first educators of all children. We know that, if parents and teachers work in partnership and share their expertise and knowledge, children will always benefit. At our parent evenings we share information with parents about children’s progress, these are organised three times a year. We are happy to arrange individual meetings with parents at any other time during the year as the need arises.

We encourage parents to become as involved in school life as they can. A number of parents help in school during the day and we welcome and appreciate this. We also hold meetings and exhibitions about aspects of the curriculum or school organisation to which all parents are invited. We arrange meetings for parents of particular age groups in connection with special events or particular subjects.

Brief informal contact between teachers and parents takes place at the beginning and end of each school day, particularly where younger children are concerned. Parents who would like a longer talk with a teacher are encouraged to make an appointment.

At the end of each school year, parents are given a detailed report on their child’s progress. Parents are invited at the same time to record their own comments on the report. Children are invited to contribute too.

Home School Agreement

Every school is required by law to have a Home School Agreement (see policies). This is to ensure that families and schools are working together to support children’s learning and development in the best possible way.

If you do accept a place at St Paul’s CE Primary School you will be required to sign the Home-School Agreement. This is designed to clarify what the school expects of parents and what parents may expect of the school. It includes expectations about attendance, homework, uniform and behaviour, among other things.  It is intended to encourage good relationships between parents and school by making the ethos of St Paul’s CE Primary School clear from the outset.

Meet the teacher

Meet the teacher meetings are arranged at the beginning of the school year when all parents and carers are invited to a meeting the Headteacher and then their child’s new teacher. Here, the teacher will go through their plans and expectations as well as explaining how the school week is organised, for example when children have PE or swimming etc. Parents are able to ask questions, become familiar with the classroom and generally get to know your child's teacher.

Parent evenings

Three times a year we have opportunities for you to meet your child's teacher to talk about your child on a one-to-one basis. During the first term of each year there are meetings at which you can talk to the teacher about your child and how they have settled into the new school year. This is then followed up by a further individual meeting in the Spring term, and a chance to look at work and discuss their report in the Summer Term, where you will be able to review your child’s progress and discuss any concerns or comments you have about your child and their time at school.