GSO Test

School Improvement

St Paul's is a continuing improving school and our ambition is for it to be a place where children thrive and love learning.

We have listed a summary of our school improvement aims.

School Improvement Priorities 2020-2021

Initial description: OFSTED Criteria that feel to fit best with where we are wanting to achieve.

  • Bullet points-key objectives

Quality of Education



Teachers create an environment that focuses on pupils. The textbooks and other teaching materials that teachers select – in a way that does not create unnecessary workload for staff – reflect the school’s ambitious intentions for the course of study. These materials clearly support the intent of a coherently planned curriculum, sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.



Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well. This is reflected in results from national tests and examinations that meet government expectations, or in the qualifications obtained.


  • In KS1 to ensure phonics teaching and instructional readers support phonic knowledge and development to enable at least achievement of the national standard in the phonics assessments by implementing the plans put in place over the last academic year
  • Improve outcomes in writing with the aim of keeping them in line with London and national outcomes, to ensure that the standards and developments in writing over the past academic year continue to support good outcomes for writing across the school.
  • Provision for Lower Ability pupils in class to supports progress and achievement through shared and team effort.
  • Modify curriculum to enable catch up and coverage of learning lost due to school closure


Behaviour and Attitudes

Pupils behave with consistently high levels of respect for others. They play a highly positive role in creating a school environment in which commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.

  • Ensure the calm mood and exemplary behaviour in the school is sustained by reviewing practices e.g. soft starts, break times.
  • Children have a pride in their work and wanting to showcase their work in the best possible light.
  • Work with parents to improve attendance of those children presenting as persistently absent

Personal Development

The curriculum and the school’s effective wider work support pupils to be confident, resilient and independent, and to develop strength of character.

  • Ensure SRE (Sex and Relationship Education) encompasses the diversity and content recommended in statutory guidance
  • Establishing a regular method of collective worship that enables the school to be together, to be reflective and to celebrate successes and to celebrate community


Leadership and Management

Leaders focus on improving teachers’ subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge in order to enhance the teaching of the curriculum and the appropriate use of assessment. The practice and subject knowledge of staff, including newly qualified teachers, build and improve over time.

Leaders aim to ensure that all pupils successfully complete their programmes of study. They provide the support for staff to make this possible. They create an inclusive culture and do not allow gaming or off-rolling.

  • Assessing provision and delivery of the curriculum for subjects and ensuring that children are receiving opportunity to experience the breadth and quality of the curriculum planned for.
  • Developing new opportunity for community engagement that includes online meeting opportunity and the opportunity to maintain positive community links with school and also with FOSPA.
  • To protect the well-being of staff through decision making, and actions; to ensure all efforts are made to keep staff well, to do their best in their work, and to have the energy and resilience to manage rapidly changing circumstances in order to provide care, guidance and education to our pupils.
  • Develop the computing stock and curriculum to be more robust, to support blended learning and respond to changing need.



  • Continue the cycle of review of the schools work against the SIAMS inspection framework utilising the Church School working group to evaluate the work and inform next steps.